20 Inspirational Landing Page Designs

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As all designers know, effective landing pages play a critical role in increasing online transactions and conversions. But, despite the well-known importance of proper, effective landing page design, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for building a landing page that’s guaranteed to thrive.

There are many different approaches to building a high-performance landing page, but they all share a few basic principles in common: prominent calls to action, a highly-concentrated description of the service or offer, and bold, appealing colors.

The great thing about designing landing pages is that there’s an enormous variety of excellent designs that are worthy of careful study. If you are in the process of designing a landing page for either yourself or a client and happen to be lacking for inspiration, check out these twenty inspirational landing page designs to get yourself back to brainstorming the perfect page for your purposes.

1. Klout 

2. Cudo

3. Mail Chimp

4. Screenr

5. Magnt

6. Wufoo

7. Opera

8. TapTapTap

9. Greenlighted

10. DesignBoost

11. Tea Round

12. Trip Lingo

13. Dribbblr

14. Shall I Buy

15. WeatherWise

16. Square

17. Choicr

18. TubeMogul

19. Digital Telepathy

20. SlideDeck

Which of these twenty are your favorites? Do you have others from the web that are worthy of inclusion?

Gabrielle GoshaGabrielle Gosha
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Gabrielle is a creative type who specializes in graphic design, animation and photography.

inspirationlanding pagesWeb Design
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