Six of the Best

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Is it Friday already? What happened to the week? For that matter, what happend to July? Relax, the Mayan apocalypse is still five or so months away. You’ve got plenty of time to check out what’s happening on the SitePoint network …

Generate Documentation with ApiGen

Documentation. It’s something developers either do beautifully, with legible, linear, simple-to-follow instructions … or horribly. Well-documented code is one of the cornerstones of professional software development — and that’s where ApiGen comes in.

Happenings in Ruby

RubySource managing editor Glenn Goodrich gives you the lowdown on what’s going on in the Rubysphere — from functional programming to rebuilding Rails.

Create Sleek Laptop and Monitor Mockups in Photoshop

Keen to create some awesome laptop and monitor mockups on which to display artwork, websites, or apps? Check out this step-​​by-​​step approach on DesignFestival.

5 Ways to Ruin Your Next Mobile App Launch

There’s a veritable universe of apps out there, and customers have millions of options at their fingertips. Prices are low, profit margins thin, and the smallest flaw can spell doom for your app. Here’s a few things to avoid when you’re launching that app.

Scaling Lessons Learned at Dropbox: From 4k to 40 million

Rajiv Eranki was in charge of scaling Dropbox from 4000 to 40,000,000 users. Here, he offers a few suggestions on scaling, particularly in a resource-constrained, fast-growing environment that can’t always afford to do things “the right way”.

Come and Enjoy a Drink With the SitePoint Crew in London

OK, not so much an article as an invitation. If you’re in London during mid-August, and you’re thirsty, and, more importantly, keen to meet some of the UK SitePoint crew and a few SitePoint authors, why not pop along to the Crown & Two Chairmen in Soho? The beers and wines are on us … as are a few giveaway goodies.


Tom MusethTom Museth
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Tom is the online managing editor at SitePoint. His working day consists of arming himself with an assembly line of long blacks and overseeing the curation of content and flow of traffic across the SitePoint network. His passions include bargain vinyl bins, yoga, juggling sci-fi novels with classic literature, and axolotls. He's currently wading into the world of Android development and HTML5 gaming.

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