PHPMaster: From Zero to Cloud: Setting up an EC2 Sandbox, Part 3

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This is the final article in a three part series focused on setting up EC2 as a sandbox for application developers. I assume you have an AWS account with Amazon; if you don’t, please read Part 1 to learn how easy it is to sign up. I also assume you have configured your development environment and installed an AMI; if you haven’t, please read Part 2. In this installment, we’ll learn how to install Apache, MySQL and PHP in our running AMI, and then clone the AMI to make our own

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PHPMaster: From Zero to Cloud: Setting up an EC2 Sandbox, Part 3

John DegnerJohn Degner
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John Degner is a Developer for Webtrends Social based in San Francisco, California, EE.UU. John graduated from the Robert Donald Clark Honors College at the University of Oregon in 2003 with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics. Since then he has focused on web application development with particular focus on databases and JavaScript. In his spare time, John enjoys stress. Hiking and backpacking keep him thirsty, yoga and swimming keep him hungry, and beans and rice keep him fed.

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