What You Don’t Get With ActiveJob

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What You Don’t Get With ActiveJob
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Rails 4.2 includes ActiveJob, which is a unified API for queuing and writing background jobs. ActiveJob provides simple solutions to two problems faced by Rails developers when writing background jobs: queueing jobs (via the ActiveJob API) and serialization of ActiveRecord objects (via GlobalID).

It doesn’t, however, help with the third problem: writing resilient jobs that can survive in a production environment. That’s where this post comes in.

First, let’s briefly review what ActiveJob is and what it provides.

What ActiveJob Gives You

ActiveJob is an adapter to various job queues such as Delayed Job, Resque, or Sidekiq. Although this allows you to “swap out” job queuing systems, the true power of ActiveJob is that it’s a single API that you can develop additional libraries, tooling, and practices around.

For example, you could develop a gem that queues jobs, safe in the knowledge that it would work in any Rails app.

Let’s see an example.

Suppose we have a job to charge a customer some money, called PurchaseJob. Queueing the job can be done via perform_later.


To implement the job, simply subclass ActiveJob::Base and provide a perform method.

class PurchaseJob < ActiveJob::Base
  def perform(customer,amount)
    # job logic here

Usually, you’d have to queue the ID of the record on which to operate (in this case, a Customer) and deserialize it as the first step of your job. ActiveJob’s GlobalID handles all of this for you.

Using ActiveJob provides a great foundation for background processing, helping avoid some common mistakes. But, you are still on your own when dealing with the hardest part of background processing: managing failure.

Failure is Not an Option

Even at small scale, your background jobs will fail. Since the primary reason for running code in a background job is because the code is long running, background jobs tend to “attract” failure. Issues like network flakiness, system reboots (Heroku dynos, anyone?), and timeouts all effect background jobs significantly.

Let’s see how by imagining an implementation of our job from the previous section, PurchaseJob. The implementation will find a customer’s credit card, ask our third-party payment processor (a networked call over the Internet) to charge some amount of money on the card, and finally create a purchase record with the results of the charge.

class PurchaseJob < ActiveJob::Base
  def perform(customer,amount)
    credit_card = customer.credit_card

    result = PaymentProcessor.charge(credit_card.token,amount)

    if result.success?
      customer.purchases.create!(amount: amount,
                                success: true)
      customer.purchases.create!(amount: amount,
                                success: false,
                                 reason: result.error_message)

Suppose during the call to PaymentProcessor.charge we experience a network timeout, and an exception is raised. Since we don’t know if the charge ultimately went through, we can’t just execute this job again, or the customer could be double-charged. But, we need to complete the purchasing process somehow.

Given the way our job is designed, someone will have to manually intervene to complete the purchase. This is obviously not scalable. The problem is that our job wasn’t designed with this sort of failure in mind, yet this failure is likely to happen on a regular basis.

ActiveJob provides no default failure handling strategy. It simply defers to whatever the underlying job queue would do. Even if it did provide a failure handling strategy, such as automatically retrying failed jobs, that won’t help us here.

We still need our jobs to be designed to handle failure.

There are three common techniques we can apply to the design of our jobs to deal with failure: idempotent jobs, decomposing jobs, and jobs where failure doesn’t matter.

Idempotent Jobs

Idempotence is:

the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science, that can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.

This maps almost exactly to the problem we’re facing. If a job could be executed multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial execution, we could simply retry it endlessly until it completed.

Here’s a simple example of an idempotent job that generates a receipt as a PDF.

class ReceiptPdfJob < ActiveJob::Base
  def perform(customer_name,customer_email,amount,amount_tax)
    File.open("/receipts/#{purchase.id}.pdf","w") do pdf
      ReceiptPdf.new(for: "#{customer_name} (#{customer_email})"
                subtotal: amount,
                     tax: amount_tax,
             grand_total: amount + amount_tax).write!(pdf)

No matter how many times we execute this code, it will write to the same file with the same contents to the same location. If we were to experience a failure at any point in this job, we could safely just re-execute the job.

Our PurchaseJob, however, isn’t designed to allow this.

To make that job idempotent, we’d need to fundamentally redesign how we charge our customers. We’d need to “save our work” at each step so we could pick up where we left off.

To do that, we’ll need some more bookkeeping on our end that stores where we are in the process. If we get interrupted, we can look at our record of the transaction in progress to find out where to pick back up.

Our job will then work like so:

  1. Create a record, called a Transaction, in our database of the charge we’re about to make.
  2. Attempt the charge with our payment processor, including the id of our Transaction.
  3. When the charge completes, update our Transaction with the results.
  4. If we get interrupted, we can find the incomplete Transaction and ask the payment processor if it completed on their end.
  5. If so, we fetch the results and update our database. If not, we re-attempt the charge.

It’s a bit tricky.

class PurchaseJob < ActiveJob::Base
  def perform(customer,amount)
    # See if there is an incomplete transaction for
    # this customer and amount
    transaction = Transaction.where(customer: customer,
                                      amount: amount,
                                    complete: false).first

    if transaction.present?
      # if there is, find the analagous transaction
      # in our payment processor's system
      existing_payment = PaymentProcessor.payment(
        custom: { transaction_id: transaction.id }
      # if there isn't, create an in-progress one that we can find later
      transaction = Transaction.create!(customer: customer,
                                          amount: amount,
                                        complete: false)

    unless existing_payment.present?
      # if there was no existing payment, actually charge the customer,
      # passing along our transaction ID as a customer data element
      existing_payment = PaymentProcessor.charge(
          custom: { transaction_id: transaction.id })

    # complete the transaction and update the purchase record

Holy cow! Our simple charging process just ballooned into a giant mess of code. But, it’s now bullet-proof.

You can mentally play through each line of code and, no matter what happens, restarting will correctly pick up where the failed job left off. This mental exercise is a great technique for checking if your job can be replayed. Assume that each line of code can blow up and that execution will resume at the top of the routine, as if each line is followed by rescue retry.

If the code will work in all of the circumstances, you’re good to go. If not, you’ll need to redesign it so it can.

This may seem painful, but for jobs that are crucial, such as charging people money, you have to take extra care.

One thing you’ll notice about this change is that we took a simple operation (charging a credit card) and broke it up into several smaller steps. We can use this technique in another way to make our jobs resilient to failure.

Decomposing Jobs into Smaller Jobs

When faced with complex code, a common technique is to decompose that code into reusable functions that make the overall routine easier to follow. We can do that with our background jobs as well.

Our newly-resilient purchase-charging code’s “happy path” is as follows:

  1. Create an in-progress transaction
  2. Charge the customer at our payment processor
  3. Update the in-progress transaction to show the completed charge

Instead of creating one complex job, what if we created three distinct jobs, each queuing the next, and each designed to be retried on its own?

First, we’d have a job that starts the process off. The purpose of this job is to find or create an in-progress transaction for the customer and amount.

class StartPurchaseTransactionJob < ActiveJob::Base
  def perform(customer,amount)
    transaction = Transaction.where(customer: customer,
                                      amount: amount,
                                    complete: false).first

    unless transaction.present?
      transaction = Transaction.create!(customer: customer,
                                          amount: amount,
                                        complete: false)


Ultimately, this job queues a ChargeTransactionJob. The purpose of that job is to get a completed charge from the payment processor, either by querying for an existing one, or by actually charging the customer.

class ChargeTransactionJob < ActiveJob::Base
  def perform(transaction)
    payment = PaymentProcessor.payment(
      custom: { transaction_id: transaction.id }

    unless payment.present?
      payment = PaymentProcessor.charge(
          custom: { transaction_id: transaction.id })



Finally, CompletePurchaseJob handles the “business logic” of what to do once a purchase has gone through.

class CompletePurchaseJob < ActiveJob::Base
  def perform(transaction)

You’ll notice that each job is idempotent and can be safely replayed if it were to fail. The logic around “picking up where we left off” is still there, but now we have three simple jobs, each easy to understand. The jobs are also reusable. If we were to require charging customers a monthly fee for a subscription service, the ChargeTransactionJob could be easily reused, since its only input is a transaction.

There’s a third way of dealing with failure, which is to design our jobs so failure can be simply ignored.

Jobs that Ignore Failure

Ignoring the failure of a job seems like a bad idea. These jobs have been queued because they need to execute and need to complete. How can we simply ignore their failures?

If a job can

a) figure out what work needs to be done on its own and b) be run on a regular schedule

then individual job failures can be ignored. This is because the next time the job is run, it will “catch up” on the lost work of the failed job.

Consider how we broke up our purchasing process in the previous section. The first job, StartPurchaseTransactionJob creates an “in-progress” transaction, while the second job, ChargeTransactionJob, completes such transactions.

We can modify ChargeTransactionJob so it processes all incomplete transactions, not just a particular one. Designed that way, we can simply schedule the job to run periodically and ignore the failures of any one job.

class ChargeIncompleteTransactionsJob < ActiveJob::Job
  def perform
    Transaction.incomplete.find_each do |transaction|
      payment = PaymentProcessor.payment(
        custom: { transaction_id: transaction.id }

      unless payment.present?
        payment = PaymentProcessor.charge(
            custom: { transaction_id: transaction.id })


Assuming ChargeIncompleteTransactionsJob is queued periodically, it will process all incomplete transactions, even those left unprocessed by a previous job’s failure. As long the job doesn’t fail frequently, all the incomplete transactions will eventually be processed.

Not every task can be implemented in this way, but it’s a great pattern to use when a database query can determine what work needs to be done and where that work does not need completion in a timely fashion. For example, caches can be refreshed by querying for all items updated since the last run of the job.

In Conclusion

ActiveJob removes some of the friction involved in writing background jobs by providing a single API for queuing and writing jobs, however the hard work of dealing with failure is still a problem developers must solve.

Keep all this in mind when designing processes for background processing. Pay careful attention when extracting inlined code into background jobs. By using the techniques discussed here, your background jobs can run safely and quietly, withstanding the rigors of production use.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about ActiveJob

What is the main purpose of ActiveJob in Ruby on Rails?

ActiveJob is a framework in Ruby on Rails that standardizes the interface for creating, handling, and managing background jobs. It provides a common interface for multiple job runners. This means you can switch between different queuing backends like Sidekiq, Resque, Delayed Job, etc., with minimal changes to your code. It also allows you to write your job code independent of your job runner, which can be beneficial for testing and switching job runners in the future.

How does ActiveJob work with other job runners?

ActiveJob works as an adapter for different job runners. It provides a set of common methods that translate to the specific methods of the job runner you’re using. This means you can write your job code once and it will work with any job runner that ActiveJob supports. You just need to set the queue adapter in your application configuration.

How can I schedule a job to run at a specific time with ActiveJob?

ActiveJob itself does not provide support for scheduling jobs at specific times or intervals. However, it can be used with job runners that do support scheduling, like Sidekiq or Delayed Job. You would use the scheduling syntax specific to your job runner, but the job class itself would still be written using the ActiveJob interface.

How can I handle job failures with ActiveJob?

ActiveJob provides hooks for handling job failures. You can define a rescue_from block in your job class that will be called if an exception is raised during the execution of your job. This block can be used to log the error, retry the job, or take other action based on the nature of the failure.

Can I use ActiveJob for long-running tasks?

Yes, ActiveJob is well-suited for handling long-running tasks. By moving these tasks to a background job, you can free up your application to respond to other requests. However, keep in mind that the specifics of handling long-running jobs, such as managing memory usage and ensuring jobs complete successfully, will depend on the job runner you’re using.

How can I test my ActiveJob jobs?

Rails provides built-in test helpers for working with ActiveJob. You can use methods like assert_enqueued_with and assert_performed_with to test that jobs have been enqueued or performed with the correct arguments. You can also use the perform_enqueued_jobs method to execute jobs immediately in your tests.

Can I prioritize jobs with ActiveJob?

Yes, ActiveJob supports job prioritization. You can set the priority of a job when you define it by using the priority method. The specifics of how priorities are handled will depend on your job runner.

How can I monitor my ActiveJob jobs?

Monitoring your ActiveJob jobs will depend on the job runner you’re using. Many job runners provide their own interfaces for monitoring jobs. Additionally, there are third-party services like Skylight and New Relic that provide more advanced monitoring and performance tracking features.

Can I use ActiveJob with any Ruby on Rails application?

Yes, ActiveJob is a part of the Ruby on Rails framework, so it can be used with any Rails application. However, it does require Rails 4.2 or later.

How does ActiveJob handle retries?

ActiveJob provides built-in support for retrying jobs when they fail. By default, jobs will be retried for a certain number of times, with a delay between each attempt. You can customize the retry behavior by defining a retry_on block in your job class.

David CopelandDavid Copeland
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