Watch: Combining Dynamic Strings with Python

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Imagine we’ve been tasked with creating a company slogan. To allow some parts to change, we’ll use variables. Combining all of these parts into a great looking slogan will be done using string concatenation. Let’s jump in and see how its done.

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Brett RomeroBrett Romero
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Brett Romero is a software developer versed in .NET, PHP, Python, and iOS to name a few. He builds desktop, web and mobile applications. As well, he knows Illustrator and Photoshop backwards and forward. His design skills aren't too shabby either. Brett also founded Bitesize Business School, which helps entrepreneurs develop needed technical skills for running an online business while also teaching them invaluable business skills. His undergraduate major was mathematics but he finished with a degree in business administration then went on to study mathematics at the University of Washington. He also has an MBA from Arizona State University.

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