Autoloading in PHP and the PSR-0 Standard
Autoloading in PHP and the PSR-0 Standard
Hari K T
Using Traits in PHP 5.4
Using Traits in PHP 5.4
Shameer C
Under the Hood of Yii’s Component Architecture, Part 2
Under the Hood of Yii’s Component Architecture, Part 2
Steven O'Brien
Tracking Upload Progress with PHP and JavaScript
Tracking Upload Progress with PHP and JavaScript
Martin Psinas
Where on Earth are You?
Where on Earth are You?
Lukas White
Under the Hood of Yii’s Component Architecture, Part 1
Under the Hood of Yii’s Component Architecture, Part 1
Steven O'Brien
Pagination with CodeIgniter
Pagination with CodeIgniter
Andy Hawthorne
Bending XML to Your Will
Bending XML to Your Will
Stephen Thorpe
The Liskov Substitution Principle
The Liskov Substitution Principle
Alejandro Gervasio
Rapid Application Development with CakePHP
Rapid Application Development with CakePHP
Vito Tardia
Better Estimates with Planning Poker
Better Estimates with Planning Poker
Lorna Jane Mitchell
MongoDB Revisited
MongoDB Revisited
Ahmed Shreef
How I Chose My Programming Editor
How I Chose My Programming Editor
J Armando Jeronymo
Scheduling with Zend Job Queue
Scheduling with Zend Job Queue
Alex Stetsenko
Introduction to PhpDoc
Introduction to PhpDoc
Moshe Teutsch
ClamAV as a Validation Filter in Zend Framework
ClamAV as a Validation Filter in Zend Framework
Matthew Setter
Using Phing, the PHP Build Tool
Using Phing, the PHP Build Tool
Shameer C
Build Your App in the Cloud with Heroku and the Facebook SDK
Build Your App in the Cloud with Heroku and the Facebook SDK
Vito Tardia
Understanding the Command Design Pattern
Understanding the Command Design Pattern
Ignatius Teo
Image Watermarks with Imagick
Image Watermarks with Imagick
Timothy Boronczyk
Writing Custom Session Handlers
Writing Custom Session Handlers
Tim Smith
PHP String Handling Functions
PHP String Handling Functions
James Appleyard
Integrating with Facebook Graph API
Integrating with Facebook Graph API
Hari K T
Working with MySQL Events
Working with MySQL Events
Martin Psinas
Hosted PostgreSQL with Heroku
Hosted PostgreSQL with Heroku
Timothy Boronczyk
Cloud-Hosted PostgreSQL: Heroku Postgres
Cloud-Hosted PostgreSQL: Heroku Postgres
Timothy Boronczyk
PHP’s Quest for Performance: From C to hhvm
PHP’s Quest for Performance: From C to hhvm
Matt Turland
Understanding the Factory Method Design Pattern
Understanding the Factory Method Design Pattern
Ignatius Teo
Learning Loops
Learning Loops
Iain Tench
Targeted Geolocation with Geonames
Targeted Geolocation with Geonames
Lukas White
A Tour of PHP.INI
A Tour of PHP.INI
Callum Hopkins
Untangling MVC with CodeIgniter
Untangling MVC with CodeIgniter
Stephen Thorpe
Showing 1056 of 1099
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