Watch: A Lesson on React Props, Defaults and Modules

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React and ES6 seems to be on everyone’s mind lately. Today I want to show you the ins and outs of React Props written with ES6.

In this video tutorial you’ll be learning about properties, defaults, and modules. Why? It will help you understand the basics about the property types your components can receive. Additionally, you will learn about the importing and exporting of modules. Gain confidence and comfort with default properties, which allow your components to be used without any actual properties being passed in. Using this knowledge, you’ll be ready to then move on to creating React components using the ES6 specification.

This is one lesson from my latest course React The ES6 Way, available on SitePoint Premium. If you’d like to learn more, check it out!

You can find the code samples for this lesson on GitHub.

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Darin HaenerDarin Haener
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Darin is a mostly autodidactic programmer, having learned Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and React through a lot of trial and error, unit testing, and a lot of Googling. Darin has now fallen in love with React and currently creating an application that is very React heavy and with more testing than he's ever seen in a Javascript app.

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