On Our Radar: Image height/width and The Internet of Things

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An SQL statement walks into a bar and sees two tables. It approaches, and asks “may I join you?” This is essentially how our week on the Forums began.

On Our Radar

Tables, widths, and general HTML/CSS issues kicked us off this week. Diamax wants to create a table that will be the menu on a page, but he has trouble with the structure of columns and rows, with gaps randomly displaying in his browser testing. Take a look at his HTML scripting and see if you can offer some advice.

csosa has to battle against Google with his CSS, with Google telling him to set the height and width, but he’s not sure what to do. The SitePoint king of Device Widths, Ryan Reece, comes to the rescue.

Mittineague poses a serious question: are web designers legally allowed to use flat icons of social media logos on websites, which obviously violate the logo guidelines?

Don’t miss Pullo’s thread “The Internet Of Things” where he asks, “the skeptical half of me is wondering if we have really thought this through. As more devices communicate with each other and, more importantly, affect each other’s behavior, don’t we risk a nightmare scenario in which villains and terrorists can hijack our technology?”

In Short

As always, we round up the best of the week in JavaScript (thanks Paul!) and .Net (thanks cpradio!)

zackw wants to know if you have any ideas for using your tech skill to work from homeidentifies and removes all unlinked images in a server.

Have you used Drupal before? dpxSherpa would love your thoughts on it.

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Jasmine EliasJasmine Elias
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Jasmine has been in the social behaviour and marketing world for over 10 years. She's now looking after the SitePoint Community in all its variations, and really likes apples.

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