Jet problems - 'System resource exceeded'

Hi all,

Having a nightmare with an Access database. This is a simple prototype of a system, developed on desktop machine using ASP (VB6) and Access 2003. It works absolutely fine on the desktop, but the instant I move it on to our development server, if gives the following error:

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

The line number is simply the point at which the connection to the database attempts to open. I’ve Googled to hell and back fruitlessly, so I need expert help here.

  • I’ve checked and triple-checked permissions, path to database, etc.
  • I’ve made sure the server isn’t short of RAM and disk space (to the point of opening Task Manager on the server, refreshing the page and watching to see if there’s any activity - nothing! Flat line!)
  • I’ve checked all the Event Logs and there’s not a sausage in there either.
  • I’ve tried logging in as Administrator and running the site through Localhost, which changed the error on me to:

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key ‘Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x62c Thread 0x754 DBC 0x20da03c Jet’.

Googling that didn’t help either. I’m at a complete loss! Any ideas?



Problem: The account that is being used to access the page does not have access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC registry key.






google rox. :wink:

Hey - I Googled all that stuff too. None of it worked. :frowning:

  1. Logged in as Admin so correct driver access was definitely enabled
    2/3. Path issues ruled out
  2. We checked for the latest Jet version - we are running it - and checked permissions for any “lock-outs”, etc.

As it happened, no idea what caused this, but a reboot has got rid of the problem. We weren’t going to reboot - it’s a live box - but we were left with no choice when the server hung, probably because of the Jet drivers having a paddy!

Oh well. At least it works now. :slight_smile:



Actually, if it is running on a website, it will be running under the user account the application pool is running in. What you are logged in as is immaterial.

Usually true, but when I run this particular website I log in as an NT user local to the machine - it doesn’t use the IUSR account. So if I log in as Administrator, I have Administrator’s permissions…


Who knows what the problem was?

It seems that when you log in as admin and run the app you were getting permission errors. Mebbe some resources were owned by a domain admin, but it’s really impossible to tell.

My worry would be that this problem might reappear when the site goes live…

Hmmm… different domains - but worth investigating - I’ll check it out. You never know.


I had the same problem with ASP on Win 2003 server. A reboot did the trick!:slight_smile: