15 Inspirational Horizontal Web Portfolios

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The web design world is always changing, not only in terms of design aesthetics and techniques, but also in terms of best practices. Trying to think of new innovative ways to get yourself noticed can be difficult, especially when it comes to captivating the visitors who happen upon your online portfolio. Pushing boundaries in web design can actually be a plus for you, and what better way to push boundaries than to break some conventions and drastically change up the layout of your site.

I’m not just talking about element placement; I’m talking about the fundamental structure of your designs and the way they are experienced. Consider taking a vacation from vertical navigational scrolling and opening your mind to the idea of horizontal web design orientation. Though a questionable trend to some, horizontal scrolling websites are popping up every now and again, especially for artists wishing to showcase their work online. This trend is not limited to those in the design and photography world, but it appears to be a great choice for either creative field.

The seemingly unconventional layout design attributed to horizontal web orientation is not only a breath of fresh air, it’s also a game changer. The horizontal design allows you to become even more creative thanks to the unorthodox freedom that it provides.

Today, I want to showcase some truly beautiful and innovative horizontal web portfolios that use everything from simple scrolling bars to flash animation. Hopefully by the end, you will find yourself inspired to think of a creative concept for your own horizontal based scrolling portfolio.


Stephane Tartelin


James Joyce

Pretty Production





Philip Arvidson

Lucia Soto

Marlous de Roode


Vanity Claire

Ryan Todd

Do you have any horizontal design work to share? Do you consider horizontal scrolling to be against best practices, or is it an opportunity to distinguish your work and showcase your creativity?

Gabrielle GoshaGabrielle Gosha
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Gabrielle is a creative type who specializes in graphic design, animation and photography.

inspirationWeb Design
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