On Our Radar: Getting Started, Clean Code and the Next Wikipedia

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This week we realised computers make very fast and accurate mistakes. So while to err is human, to really screw things up you need a computer.

On our radar:

And with mistakes in mind, noted team SitePoint member Tom brings up a very good point – nobody is born learning how to program. Which is disappointing, y’all, because it would be easier if we learned how to code and read at the same time. Do you think it matters at what age we begin learning?

I think it’s important to at least have a grasp of logic in order to program, because it can be confusing as n_merciano found out. He needs advice on keeping his HTML and CSS code cleaner (help a fellow coder out, no one likes unsightly code).

The most inventive and spectacular use of the forums goes to OzRamos, who uses the forums as a devlog documenting Stemlet. Don’t know what Stemlet is yet? Get familiar with that name, because it’ll be the next Wikipedia.

In short:

We put our best investigative hats on and hunted down duplicates in Informix, a database that doesn’t play nice with modern SQL.

Chrisofarabia and Patrick had a mini meet-up at SXSW and we’re surprised the universe didn’t explode from two brilliant minds coming together.

SitePoint Ruby editor ruprict wants to know which Ruby topics you want to read about in the future. Add to our brains trust and give him some ideas :)

This week in .NET, cpradio wants to know if you have your ticket to StirTrek. Meanwhile, there were a lot of goodbyes this week in Javascript, with us farewelling Google Code and eventually IE8.

Now it’s your turn:

Check out the forums as we head into yet another week, and you may very well find yourself the star of next week’s “On Our Radar”. You might also find yourself winning a PowerBank just by participating in our live Q&A session this Tuesday, 24th of March, with Microsoft Evangelist Andrew Coates. We’ll kick off talking all things Azure Mobile Systems.

Jasmine EliasJasmine Elias
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Jasmine has been in the social behaviour and marketing world for over 10 years. She's now looking after the SitePoint Community in all its variations, and really likes apples.

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